Mystery Island: “The biggest mystery is why nobody lives in such a beautiful haven”

Often known as ‘The Happiest Place on Earth’, Vanuatu archipelago brings together old-fashioned charm and hospitality of the bygone decades, traditional village life and the unsullied flora and fauna that you can only read about in a magazine. Based on the Happy Planet Index, Vanuatu is ranked fourth out of 140 countries in the world, beating Japan at 58th, and the United States at 108th…


A must visit islands of Missouri

Although Missouri is not the first place to come to mind when thinking about islands, the Missouri Rivers actually contain quite a few. There are 251 Islands in Missouri, most are used for a wide variety of things such as wildlife and nature reserves, hunting and fishing spots, and mountain biking trails. Although many tiny islands can be seen in times of lower water, these 5 are noted for their size, beauty, and function…


Perhentian Island

Perhentian Island is called The Pinnacles or Temple of the Sea. It is situated in Terengganu, Malaysia and approximately 64 km from south border of Thailand. In Malay, the word “Perhentian” means a stopping point as originally this island has been used by traders as staging point as they…


All about Sea Turtles

Have you ever sighted a sea turtle while snorkeling or diving? Sea turtles have lived for more than 100 million years around the globe to support and balance the marine ecosystem. In fact, we have seven various species of sea turtles such as the green, loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley, olive ridley, leatherback…