Five amazing ocean sites to make the first protected high seas areas

From the Sargasso Sea to the Costa Rica thermal dome, scientists are identifying key diversity hotspots to safeguard under a new UN treaty

From 20 September, the UN’s high seas treaty will at last be open for signatures – an important moment that starts the process for nations to ratify it into their own laws. At least 60 countries must do so for the treaty to come into force. Scientists hope that it will…


Sperm Whale, the Blue Planet’s greatest free diver

Cases of death of marine species due to marine debris have been increasing in recent years. One of many is the discovery of a sperm whale carcass on the coast of North Kapota Village, Wakatobi National Park, Southeast Sulawesi in 2018. The whale measuring 5.5 meters long and 437 cm wide was found dead and already starting to rot. Although the cause of death is not known, garbage with a weight of 5.9 kg is suspected to be the main cause of death for this protected mammal…