We are thrilled to present the website of Blue Explorer Magazine. Our interest is piqued in polar latitudes and secrets of secluded tropical islands, the blue abyss behind the porthole of a private submarine or a breath of air from SCUBA on coral reef diving, ocean explorations and discoveries…

With a focus on ocean exploration and adventure, Blue Explorer is a title for all ocean-goers, from divers and surfers, to yachters, sea-kayakers and participants of expedition cruises.

Expedition cruising is considered the next forefront for escapade traveling. Such cruises feature smaller, more intimate ships with fewer bells and whistles. You won’t find waterslides or magic shows, flashy nightclubs or noisy casinos. Instead, you’ll enjoy fascinating seminars, lively discussions and breath-taking journeys with experts, your expedition team and other adventurers. And you are here, checking out Blue Explorer magazine, definitely because you are one of those adventurers, one of us!

So, welcome to an exciting voyage through the pages of Blue Explorer! We hope the journey will not only be a source of valuable and essential information about ocean, discoveries, marine expeditions points and adventure cruising, but also, will unite people with common interests and views, and most importantly, with a desire for self-development within the framework of the knowledge of our blue planet, which would be more accurate to call it the planet Ocean…